Carbon & nitrogen isotope ratios AND amounts

δ13C & δ15N   OR  atom%13C & atom%15N

µg C  µg N  wt%C  wt%N  C:N

Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio analysis is a workhorse measurement in Earth and Ocean Sciences, with rapidly expanding application in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology research. These are measured with a CN Elemental Analyzer (CN-EA). Routine sample types at UCSC SiL vary widely and include animal tissues, plant and macroalgae tissues, soils, and sediments. UCSC SiL measures >100 CN-EA samples daily. 

Guidelines for preparing CN-EA samples including how to document, package, and ship samples to UCSC SiL for analysis.

Form for submitting samples for analysis.

Check the analysis page for a current estimated wait time to begin sample measurements.

 Typical precision (1σ):

≤ 0.1 ‰ VPDB for δ13C 0.2 ‰ AIR for δ15N

CN-EA-iRMS measurements from UCSC SiL have outstanding external accuracy.

A guide to the results you will receive from CN-EA-iRMS measurements.